William Cooper’s Take on 2001: A Space Odyssey William Cooper’s insightful and very esoteric take on the real meaning of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film.
AUTONOMY is more than “just a course”, but a community of like minded individuals coming together to level up their potential. They come from all walks of life with Freedom being the common denominator. Find out more by clicking here.
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Networking/Community Building, Solutions, CoronaVirus2020, Education, Big Pharma, AUTONOMY Students, Food Independence, Business, Agenda 21, 9/11 , Esoteric/Occult, How To, Finance/Sales/Banking/Cryptocurrency, Government Tyranny, Geopolitical/History, Health/Psychology/Fitness/Diet, Homesteading/Farming/Skills/Self-Defense, Music/Films, Poetry, Philosophy, Science/Technology, Live Interviews Police State

Latest Production.
The Human Family, A poem by Kara Shepard-Poat
Read by Kara, Khaliq Sim, and Chris McMillon

Awareness, Ego, Meditations, Journaling, Mutual Aid Groups, Permaculture, Old Testament! This is a packed episode friends.

Latest Production
Why Looking to the Government as a Solution to Violence is a Bad Idea by Jack Spirko. A 2 minute video I made to one of Jack’s many astute monologues.

Cyber attacks, solutions, survival currencies, and community. And Japan!

Truth Conduit on Declare Your Independence
We discuss Truth Conduit origins, solutions, community, and 2022 predictions.

Community Building in Florida, Permaculture, and more Truth Poetry!

featuring interviews with Jack Spirko, Laurence Driggs, Erin Edwards, David Rodriguez, and Josh Sigurson.

Dr. Juliette Engel. A Tim Flynn Production.
An MK Ultra victime and Laurel Canyon socialite reveals everything.

The Human Family, A poem by Kara Shepard-Poat
Read by Kara, Khaliq Sim, and Chris McMillon

Why and How Copywriting could be an exit strategy for someone wanting to become more Autonomous. Kara Shepard-Poat is a shining example and she explains how you can do it too.
All PREVIOUS EPISODES- just scroll on down!

Welcome To 2030: I Own Myself, Have Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better
A 12 minute celebration of optimism and reliance to start your 2021. Music, art, and and a kick ass counter narrative to the World Economic Forum’s infamous “It’s 2030” article. Narrated by Khaliq Sim and Chris McMillon.

The Greatest Anti School Rant Ever
by Stefan Verstappen

Do It Live Podcast, AUTONOMY Season 6 Finale
Chris McMillon co-hosts AUTONOMY’s Do It Live Podcast for the Season 6 Finale alongside Joshua Hale and Richard Grove.

Survival w/ Mutual Aid Communities w/ Stefan Verstappen
Forming Communities in order to survive what’s to come. Find out about his latest online course and book. Time is running out.

Mike Nimetz 2.0: Escape to Mexico Episode 45
Escape the tyranny from your country to Mexico? Mike Nimetz gives us the scoop on the growing community in Acapulco.

9/11, Spike Lee’s Cut, and Building 7 w/ Richard Gage. Ep. 46
Richard Gage is Unleashed and going solo! Find out why and what he’s up to in this hour long packed interview.

Episode 47: Darrell Becker 2.0 Where’s the isolated virus? Terrain theory, gang signs of the ruling class, “Leavemealone-ism”, Reason, Critical Thinking, and much more.

Reasons to Homeschool, Homebirth, and Learn Your Rights with Episode 48: Betsy Dewey
Some great music talk too!

Everything is a SCAM! Etienne de la Boetie2 is back along with Grant of Prezence music to raise awareness of our current Scamdemic.

3D printing is another solution to riding out this current attack on humanity. Sal the Agorist explains how. There are also great lessons on his background, agorism, and tokenization.

An explosive interview of the exploration of the world beyond our perceptions. Comedian, Author, Producer, and Coach, there’s a lot to take away from this interview, including a lot of cheesy jokes.

Episode 39: Truth Poetry in Action with Khaliq Sim
Pablo shares his journey out of the matrix, and how poetry can be used to spread the truth about what’s happening. Tune in for a fun conversation on art, music, poetry, and spiritual development. And he shares an exclusive new piece of work!

A girl on the run, a murder in Mexico, Agorism, Anarchapulco, Autism: This is a packed episode so strap yourself in.

Aquaponics is a realistic solution that anyone can do, even in small spaces, and Danny can show you how.

Solutions for Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses. Autonomy Unlimited, the AUTONOMY Course, and Grand Theft World explained.

Episode 43: Etienne de la Boetie2
Give his visually and precise book to those who still don’t get what’s really going on. Also, a Voluntaryist think tank is holding nothing back.

The world is under attack by psychopath tyrants, and John Bush has got some very encouraging solutions via freedom cell networking and counter economics.

What does it really mean, Leadership, Ethics, and Organization, and why are they important? Potential life changing solutions to be found here via Mike’s course, podcast, and the AUTONOMY course.

How can one become their own banker? This is a 200 year old “secret” of how the rich never get poor again, and yes, you can do it too.

What is Linux and how can it empower the individual? Why would the world be a better place if everyone started using it? Why is Microsoft evil? Luis answers all these questions and more.

The solutions to all of this tyranny is bringing out the most resilient and innovative. Raymer presents a solution to content creators to counter Big Tech’s censorship.

Episode 36: Sandi Adams UK activist, journalist, researcher, and podcaster Sandi Adams offers her invaluable array of knowledge on topics like Agenda 21, The Great Reset, the future of farming, and the climate change debate.

Episode 25: Daniel McCarthy Part II
His book is almost out so we sat down for an informal chat about podcasts, self publishing, marriage, books, coffee, utopia, and panopticons!

Latest Episode: Episode 26: Tean Cluff
Her famous father was killed by government agents. A case of Democide: A Cowboy Stands for Freedom.

Something just isn’t right about the information we’re being spoon fed about COVID-19(84), so I asked Ricky Varandas of The Ripple Effect Podcast for a discussion on the topic.

What is Germ Theory as opposed to Terrain Theory? What are Koch’s postulates? How are they relevant to the COVID-19 plandemic? Why is holistic medicine scoffed at in mainstream references yet insurance companies bet heavily on it?

Find out the latest update with Kerri since she has embarked on treating her own brain tumor with fenbedazole, a common dog dewormer.

Tyler is a stellar success story out of AUTONOMY and here he breaks down the components of his podcast and the factors that have influenced it.

Voluntaryism! Anarchy! Libertarianism! Property Rights! Non-Aggression Principle! Self Ownership! Statism! Homeschooling! Politics! Sherry also talks about why she’s stepping down from her show, her journey from statism, and her accidental third place finish in the run for governor of Tennessee.

What’s the problem with the Classical Trivium? How did 9/11 affect his research? Why aren’t schools teaching about Cecil Rhodes? Why did the Founding Fathers want to do away with the Classical Trivium? What’s the big deal about New Harmony Indiana? These, and many more questions are addressed in this intriguing episode.

What’s wrong with the current political system? Why are Congress and any President considered “transients” by the CIA? How is he about to put Congress on the crypto market? What can we do about it? What happened did he do in Belize that sparked a Hollywood film about him?

Actor and Poet, Benny is using his new show and his poetry to raise awareness to important issues going on in the world.

Public schools are failing to teach essential life skills to young people. Jim Hood’s unique course is specifically designed as a solution to this growing epidemic in public education.

Episode 24: Kerri Parker Kerri Parker is an prime example of how to write one’s own script in life. This UK glamour model is curing herself of cancer in the most unconventional way.

If you’re serious about growing your own food, then this is a must watch.

Episode 14: Nathan Lee Miller Foster
What is the Mandela Effect? How do you spell the Berenstein Bears?

What is the carnivore diet? What is the ketogenic diet? Why are they important?

What is Nonviolent Communication? Why does everyone need it?

Episode 17: Pete Quinones Police state problems, social media solutions, the Libertarian Institute, and many more topics are covered in this chat with the host of the Free Man Beyond The Wall podcast.

Is there a Collectivist push in public schools? What’s up with the student debt skyrocketing? What’s Brett up to these days?

A writer, activist, and researcher, John talks about his fifth book that’s out now, about psychedelics, raves, and his path down the metaphorical rabbit hole.

A brilliant young author and researcher, Daniel talks about Utopian philosophy, Francis Bacon, AUTONOMY, and the Great Books.

Film maker Paul Verge gives an epic interview that cover a wide range of priceless links, including the Trivium, behind the scenes of his work, and his latest projects.

Rollerdog author and illustrator Simon Krimms discusses a plethora of esoteric symbolism from his truth-oriented children’s story of Humphrey the Rollerdog.

She started her own school and it didn’t take long for Big Pharma to start offering her big money to put the students on psych drugs.

Griffin shares his news on Red Pill University as well as his high and low moments in his career!

How does one teach themselves anything? Chris looks to the one and only James Corbett of for answers.

Did you know Canada is actually a corporation, and NOT a country? Don’t miss this intriguing interview with Cal Washington of But don’t believe us, check out the show links and look into it yourself.

Houston has a problem, and Derrick Broze of the Conscious Resistance Network has the answer.

An expert on the Constitution, history, and concepts of freedom, Badnarik ran for President in 2004.

Over 3,000 architects and engineers are demanding for the 9/11 investigation to be re-opened. Why?

Kratom is catching on for great reasons- it’s amazing for you! Of course the powers that shouldn’t be are trying to take that away.
Public Schooling w/ Brett Veinotte
A History Lesson w/ G. Edward Griffin
Utopia Is A Dangerous Idea w/ Daniel McCarthy
Medical Tyranny w/ Ricky Varandas
The trials and tribulations of making truth documentaries w/ Paul Verge
Trivium and neglected aspect in education w/ Kevin Cole
Big Pharma vs School Kids w/ Barbi Rivera
Social Media Censorship w/ Benny Wills
Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory w/ Darrell Becker
Law and Power of Liabilty w/ Cal Washington
Law and History w/ Michael Badnarik
Jumpstarting your skill sets with Tyler Bloyer
Government Tyranny w/ Tean Cluff, daughter of Lavoy Finnicum
Esoteric Numerology w/ Nathan Lee Miller Foster
Finding Purpose In Life w/ Bootsy Greenwood
Truth Poetry in Action w/ Khaliq Sim
Psychedelics, Raves, and Religion w/ John Vibes
Government Tyranny, Mexico, and the drug war w/ Lily Forester
Spreading Hidden Truths w/ Etienne de la Boetie2
Solutions for Entrepreneurs w/ Joshua Hale.
Becoming Your Own Banker w/ Lisa Manfredi
AUTONOMY’S life skills w/ Richard Grove
Beating Cancer w/ Kerri Parker
Counter Economics w/ John Bush
Crypto and 3D Printing w/ Sal Mayweather
Leadership, Ethics and Organization w/ Mike Nimetz
Carnivore Diet w/ Tristan Haggard
Content Creators Answer to Censorship w/ Mathew Raymer
NonViolent Communication w/ Amanda Price
Rollerdog: A “truth” kid’s book w/ Simon Krimms
Self Learning w/ James Corbett
Real World Education w/ Jim Hood

Leadership, Ethics, and Organization podcast.
Mike Nimetz gets my take on these 3 very important topics as a guest on his live streamed-show.

Renaissance Revolution Open Mic Night It’s Open Mic night in AUTONOMY! Poetry and Music!