Tean Cluff is the daughter of Lavoy Finicum, the cowboy hero who was killed by the Feds at a roadblock in Oregon for standing up for what he believed in. In this interview, she gives her take on what happened to him 4 years ago. We discuss what it was like at the wildlife standoff, who Lavoy really was, the current wrongful death lawsuit hearing coming up on March 6, the lead up to the standoff and the connections with the Bundy family, what’s happening nowadays with her family, and how people can support them by checking out their books, their raffle, and the documentary “Dead Man Talking” about Lavoy Finicum.
Death by Government by RJ Rummell- this is a great history and overview of Democide.
One Cowboy Stand For Freedom- The Fincium Family’s main website.
Get the facts by signing up to their newsletter. Mainstream sources can’t be trusted.
Get Lavoy Finicum’s book “Only by Blood and Suffering” here.
Liberty Rising by Thara Tenney
Host an Event for the Finicum Family
Song: The Ballad of Lavoy Finicum (A Cowboy Stands for Freedom) by Jordan Page
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
On day before his death, Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum spoke about potential encounters with feds
Robert ‘LaVoy’ Finicum’s death investigation findings
Former FBI agent indicted for allegedly lying about firing at LaVoy Finicum
Stunning victory for Bundy family as all charges dismissed in 2014 standoff case
Collectivism vs Individualism by G. Edward Griffin