Autonomy Students

Federico Federico de Zamacona talks w/ Chris McMillon about the legal situation of cannabis in Mexico, the prison industrial complex and the effects of legalization, the inevitable social credit system, the bullshit that is the “war on drugs”, the advantages and disadvantages of a brick and mortar shop, rock climbing, and how learning real history …

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Dan Dan Kerwin talks to Chris McMillon about the inevitable economic bust, the real estate business, his experiences at Tragedy&Hope, taking the red pill, the double edged sword of social media, and how Autonomy has helped him propel forward.

Travis Travis Doss talks w/ Chris McMillon about Agenda 21 in Texas, the work of Rosa Koire, taking the metaphorical red pill, and the upcoming Red Pill Expo in an exclusive live interview from Cameron, Texas at the Autonomy Season One Texas Gathering.

Phillip Phillip Bakker talks w/ Chris McMillon in this intriguing interview about his book on education, the Prussian influence of public education in the USA and Holland, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, doing Ayahuasca in church, Ma-uri massage therapy, the upcoming Red Pill Expo, and the immortal and wonderful Wim Hof.