Martin Faulks: Memory Palace

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This is a special presentation that was given live to the AUTONOMY  class and hosted by Chris McMillon. 

Martin Faulks is considered by many to be one of the most effective publishing professional in the United Kingdom today. He certainly has a talent for building a vibrant publishing program that gains attention in the media and a buzz online, indeed any project he is involved in seems to catch mainstream press attention.
His career highlights include best-selling titles in the Mind Body Spirit genre such as “Turning the Hiram Key,” “The Rosslyn Hoax,” “The Secret of Solomon’s Temple,” and “The Genesis of Freemasonry,” all of which gained extensive national coverage.
He was also responsible for the publication of three books by legendary pop producer Pete Waterman, including the “Fame Factor: The Guide to Getting the Most out of Your Talent.” Most recently, Martin has promoted his own works on Ninjutsu and his time studying with the Ninja in Japan. Anyone who reads newspapers could scarcely have missed the press coverage for the Norfolk, or Norwich, Ninja.
Indeed, Martin seems to have a talent for making sure that the projects he is involved in are featured on television, radio, and in newspapers.
But Martin’s work hasn’t been limited to books. He has also promoted pop artists, movies, and DVDs. Most impressively, Martin was in charge of the online promotion for the first Tescos-funded movie, “Paris Connections,” which the press called “The Start of Trolleywood.” And you can see Martin thanked in the credits. Martin also produced Norfolk based thriller “Evil Never Dies” and has also been involved in other film projects and DVD projects, with companies like Halo Films and Channel Four and the Discovery Channel.