Police State

Episode 44: Stefan Verstappen

https://youtu.be/kJj88GpiMvo A Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer. He has worked as an instructor for St John Ambulance, a wilderness guide, a community organizer, and a martial arts instructor with over thirty-five years experience in the martial arts including four years spent studying in China. This episode is all about the utter importance of building mutual …

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Episode 40: Lily Forester

https://youtu.be/Uy1U2LwKrS4 Lily Forester shares her incredible story of her early life and the events leading up to the murder of her boyfriend in Mexico, and her involvement in Anarchapulco. We had a great discussion covering an array of important topics:  -Her arrest and consequent move to Mexico.  -Legalization of cannibus in Mexico and USA, and …

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Episode 28: Darrell Becker

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkhLn-FexaA&feature=youtu.be Darrell Becker is a holistic acupuncturist in Hawaii and a highly advanced critical thinker and researcher. The topics covered here are mind blowingly essential for anyone wanting to dig deeper into the COVID-19 plandemic in order to expand their grasp of understanding.  We discuss Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory and Koch’s Postulates. Darrell also …

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COVID-19 Frontline: UK and Italy

https://youtu.be/ZG-VIbJjJnA Bianca is an Italian-American from Boston who lives in Brighton, England, and she also has family in Italy, so I thought I’d ask for for a chat to get her take on what’s going on. She and her husband tell me about a family tragedy, trapped family members in Tuscany, and the reality of …

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Episode 27: Ricky Varandas

https://youtu.be/pD6aAW7cU2I Ricky Varandas is the host of the popular Ripple Effect Podcast. In this episode we discuss the information about the COVID-19 plandemic that just isn’t making sense, and what these discrepancies could mean or not mean. We also touch on solutions and silver linings that could come out of this unprecedented situation.  Listen to …

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CoronaVirus Frontline: Dennis near Nuremberg. March 19, 2020.

https://youtu.be/dMUL5FQAaZA March 19, 2020. Dennis Eckert gives his take from his location near Nuremberg, Germany on the latest with the Coronavirus. He’s a Capoeira teacher, an AUTONOMY season 1 Grad, a permaculture designer, and a holistic life coach.  Dennis offers permaculture design, holistic life coaching, and Capoeira. Discover AUTONOMY here. DNB: Quarantine & Chill Baby, …

CoronaVirus Frontline: Dennis near Nuremberg. March 19, 2020. Read More »

Special: Coronavirus Frontline: Stefanos and Laura in Valencia, Spain. March 16, 2020.

https://youtu.be/d1c-GUHji-A The CoronaVirus is in full force in Italy and Spain, so I decided to talk directly to my old friends, Stefanos (from Greece) and Laura (from Valencia), two professional classical musicians who are in quarantine in Valencia, Spain. I wanted to get their first account take on what’s happening there. (Explicit language warning).  Your …

Special: Coronavirus Frontline: Stefanos and Laura in Valencia, Spain. March 16, 2020. Read More »

Pete Quinones “Free Man Beyond The Wall”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpMQruy2oCg Pete Quinones, of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast! Today we talk about misconceptions around the term “libertarianism” and other related words, the problem with the Police State, alternatives to social media, (Why did he leave Minds.com?) what’s happening at the Libertarian Institute, Waco and the Branch Davidians, (He’s writing a book on …

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