Episode 56: WealthBattle.com

Check out WealthBattle.com here.

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Kason and Lisa are changing people’s lives for the better. Their growing community is helping people to learn knowledge and practical applications on everything about wealth and money that we were intentionally not taught in school. In this interview you’ll learn who they are, how WealthBattle started, and what goes on there. Their unique specialties are explained and how that has also added value to the community. We discuss mindset, budgeting, becoming your own banker and the most common mistakes. There’s a bit of Halloween silliness as well. We just couldn’t help ourselves. 

Check out Lisa and Kason’s Free Course in the Agora Marketplace. Just scroll down to the 9th course listed in the bundle of awesome life changing courses to “Escape the Rat Race”.

Cash Flow the Game, by Robert Kiyosaki

Episode 33 on Becoming Your Own Banker with Lisa Manfredi

In this Episode:

-What is WealthBattle.com and what does it offer?

-What is Cashflow and how has it been benefitting the WealthBattle community?

-The importance of mindset and money. 

-Budgeting, having every dollar work for you. 

-Become your own banker through whole life insurance. 

-Most common mistakes when approaching wealth and money. 

-A discussion on mortgages, inflation, and just doing the math to assess decisions using amortization and inflation calculators.

-The power of leveraging and recommended reading. 

Lisa’s recommended reading:

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin

Check out my live interview with G.Edward Griffin here, as well as the link above.

Be Your Own Banker by Nelson Nash.

Heads I Win Tails You Lose by Patrick Donahoe

What Would Billionares Do by Garret Gunderson

The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker.