This is a must listen for anyone serious about finding solutions to the current attack on humanity.
John Bush explains how the freedom cell networks work as a viable solution for networking, agorism, and counter economics. We talk about peer to peer decentralization, economic solutions like mutual aid, alternative currencies, property rights, and health shares.
We discuss the advantages of intentional communities and the importance of thinking mult-generationally like the tyrannical globalists do. John helps us visualize how expanding free communities would interact and negotiate with mainstream communities as they grow, and the ideal starter goals to set within these communities.

My previous interview with John about kratom
John’s kratom shop at My Brave Botanicals
The Conscious Resistance Network.
Bob Podalski’s Flourish book, but it’s better if you can find it somewhere other than Amazon.
Tenino, Washington is printing wooden money to help residents through the pandemic
Creative Transformation First Edition by John David Garcia