Music: Song “Here it Comes” by Owen-Glass at

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  1. Make tea- use black tea. I use 4 bags per gallon. 
  2. Add the sugar while it’s hot so it dissolves better. About a cup per gallon. Do it. And for goodness sake, use organic non-GMO quality sugar! 
  3. Cover it up with a cheese cloth or a paper towel wrapped with a rubber band. 
  4. Once it cools down, add the SCOBY. Don’t add it what it’s hot or you could kill your precious SCOBY. 
  5. Store it in a dark, warm/room temperature place for 7 to 10 days. 
  6. Get your jars ready. Add the fruit, Add the tea.
  7.  Put the SCOBY in a small jar in its tea and store away for the next batch. 
  8. Now put the jars back in the storage area for another 3 days. Then put them in the fridge. 
  9. Enjoy!